Can I breastfeed after a procedure ?

  • For the surgical intervention (abortion or curettage for stopped pregnancy), where midazolam (Versed) and fentanyl (Sublimaze) are administered, women can resume breastfeeding as soon as they are awake and stable ( source: Clinical protocol n°15 Analgesia and anesthesia in breastfeeding mothers (Clinical protocols of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine – 2017).


  • For the abortion by medication, there is no contraindication to breastfeeding either. Concerning the taking of mifepristone, limited data suggest that it would not be necessary to stop breastfeeding after a single dose of mifepristone (source: Lactmed) and for misoprostol, it can be taken during breastfeeding and no precautions special care is not required due to the low passage into breast milk (source: Pregnancy and breastfeeding – Therapeutic guide, 2nd edition, 2013).